måndag 3 september 2012

Last leg

After leaving Magnus in Ritsem Birk and Håkan walked towards Abisko. After about 40 km they stopped at Hukejaurestugan on Norkalottenleden, The 24/8  they arrived at Kungsleden and then they went almost straight east for a whole day. When they arrived at Sälkastugan they had 60 km left to Abisko. Now it is apparent that autumn is approaching and that they are far north. The first snow fell as they were close to Sälka. They camped at Allesjaure and passed then the remaining sixty kilometers to Abisko in two days where they arrived on Sunday, 26/8. On Monday, they had to stay in Abisko to get hold of a map of the last bit. After a lot of fuss Håkan was eventually able to make contact with a friendly Norwegian who lent his map. The map was unfortunately from 1987 so it was not entirely up to date existing trails and cabins, but Håkan said "The mountains, lakes and streams have not moved in any case." Håkan want to send a greeting and a big thanks to Jon Sommerset who lent his map. On Monday, it fell about 7 cm of snow in Abisko so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will be spared more snow in leg between Abisko and Pältsa (I have not heard anything from Håkan since he left Abisko because there is no phone coverage).

The 28/8 there was a bit shorter leg because both Birk and Håkan had filled their bags with supplies and had to carry heavy.  After 24 km  up and down up and down it was nice to camp and getting a rest. Plan is that they will hike hard for four days to hopefully reach Pältsastugan then remains only about 12km to Treriksröset.

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